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Health Informatics: Usability of Commercial Health Device/App

This project looked at a commercial health app and analyzed the system usability score of that particular app. The app analyzed was called "Waterlogged" and users tracked water consumption throughout the day. Using myself as a test subject, I utilized the app for 5 days, and then analyzed my data and examined it using a system usability score to determine the effectiveness of the app. 

Health Informatics: Health Informatics During a Pandemic 

This paper reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to health informatics. It covers topics including health informatics tools, HIE, EHR, eHealth, mHealth, generational divide in terms of technology use and healthcare, transparency, evidence hierarchy, and potential health informatics changes to help with future pandemics. 

Health Informatics: Recognizing Generational Gaps and Bias in Telehealth Services

This paper focuses on generational gaps and bias found in the use of Telehealth services. It covers the history and development of telehealth services, the shift from in person to remote healthcare services, older adults adoption and use of technology, generational gap solutions, and questions to ask of Telehealth in the future. 


Management of Preservation Programs: Grant Writing Project

This project is based on a fictional university who applied for a grant seeking preservation assistance through the National Endowment of the Humanities. 


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